martes, 8 de octubre de 2013


1º- What is your name? My name is Daniel Tudor xD
2º- How old are you? I 79 years old :3
3º- What nacionality are you? I spain from :D
4º- Where are you from? I Badajoz from ;D
5º- What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is Black -.-
6º- What is your favourite sport starts? My favourite sports starts... nothing.
7º- What class are you in? I in the class english
8º- Who are your best friend? My best friend is David xD

Aprende ingles

1º- What is your name? My name is Daniel Tudor xD
2º- How old are you? I have 79 years old :3
3º- What nacionality are you? Im spain from :D
4º- Where are you from? Im Badajoz from ;D
5º- What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is the Black -.-
6º- What is your favourite sport starts? My favourite sports starts... nothing.
7º- What class are you in? I am in the class english
8º- Who are your best friend? My best friend is David xD

Esto es de un video mio, visita mi canal si no lo conoces DANIGMOD11CSXD con minuscula ;D

Bueno yo ya iré poniendo cosas, adios xD